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 Financial and mental Fitness February & Cooking with "T"

February Event
Financial and mental health Fitness!!
We will have giveaways, prizes, food, and fun. Join us at the listed location for your fun filled experience with Weathering Storms Inc.

Saturday February 8th
2:00 - 4:00 pm
Newburg Community Center
4810 Exeter Ave
Louisville, KY 40218

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Review of our 1st and 2nd YEAR!!!

Weathering Storms turned 2 on August 28th and received a great Birthday gift.... Details Below!

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Our first impromptu fundraiser Fall Festival.  Thanks Greater St. Mark Baptist Church for being our first supporters!!    October 2022

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Wonderful little kids trying to help us create a logo. They draw much better than us!!  Thank you very much for believing in our vision. 


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Raising philanthropists

As you see they did an amazing job.  

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BIGGEST of shout outs to Kroger for helping us establish our food pantry!!!

                      January 2023


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an umbrella of resources 

I was invited to be a part of a village to help spread the word on the importance of physical and mental health.  Get your check ups... Bodies and minds need tune ups like cars.....DO YOUR

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February 2023

Sometimes you have to create your own sunshine....mental health is important.  Take care of yours.  Love yourself!!!!

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